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Creating the Perfect “Sense of Entry” When Selling Your Home

Lei Lonnie Watts

In the first 30 seconds, a potential buyer will get an “Irrepressible 1st Impression”. From that point on, they will either walk through the home telling themselves what they love about it or looking for the things, they don’t like about it!

Consequently, multiple Buyers will make offers (each trying to outbid the other) or Buyers will be indecisive, and keep looking to see if they can find something better out there.

What is a Sense of Entry?

A sense of entry is the curb appeal AND the first 30 seconds inside the home. It’s made up of memorable seconds that create a sense of anticipation for what lies ahead. It needs to grab all the senses in a delightful and memorable way.

How is a memorable sense of entry created?

  • Turning all the lights on makes the buyer feel like “Welcome! We’ve been waiting for you!” This includes every overhead light, table lamp, and closet light.

  • The first thing they hear should be the pleasant welcoming sound of music. (Smooth Jazz has the broadest appeal). Great music automatically makes you feel like you’re in for an extra special time and in turn, that this home has lots of special touches in it.

  • As they walk through the entry and into the 1st main room, a light, fresh wonderful scent (not too strong) should hit their noses. It creates a “This is exactly how I want to feel/live in my new home!” impression.

  • All curtains and blinds should be opened to show off all of the natural light in each room. Light, bright, clean, and airy is a distinctive impression.

  • The kitchen and dining table should be set with dishes, napkins, silver and glassware, just as they do in a Parade Home Tour. Remember… you want the buyer to feel like you’ve been waiting for them as you would a special guest. (We’ll talk about how each room should look and feel in an upcoming staging blog.)

  • Flower pots on each side of the front door, with flowers in summer or greenery and pine cones in winter, make buyers anticipate a Pinterest worthy house inside!

Candles or Scents That Work

You need something that doesn't smell fake or like perfume. It’s overpowering and can give people a headache or make them feel like you’re trying to hide something. Burn the candle for the 1st hour of the morning, then blow it out. That will leave the residual amount of fragrance that you want.

Spring/Summer Candle Recommendation:

  • Yankee Candle’s Dune grass: available on Amazon

  • No.3 Cleanse Lemongrass & Tangelo: Hobby Lobby

Fall Candle Recommendation: :

  • Yankee Candle’s Autumn Leaves (not to be mistaken with Autumn Wreath which is too fruity)

Winter Candle Recommendation:

  • Yankee Candle’s Mistletoe or Evergreen mist plugin

Fresh Baked Bread

Easily done by purchasing Rhodes frozen bread dough. Put 1 loaf in the fridge at night to thaw, let it rise in a greased bread pan for a few hours in the morning (you can expedite the rising by putting the bread pan over a simmering pot of water - put saran wrap on top of the bread loaf/pan). Bake it, take it out of the pan on leaving the fragrant loaf on the counter on a small cutting board. It will permeate the entire house!

As always, the goal of our blog will be to offer Intel, Influence & Inspiration for all your Real Estate needs.

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